Friday, April 20, 2007

Top 100 Australian blogs

A blogger called Meg has compiled a list of the top 100 Australian blogs. Not yet sure about the metrics but a good way to get into some great new blogs:

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Young people see privacy differently

The Australian Law Reform Commission has confirmed that young people have a different perspective on privacy and that this is mostly driven by technology. Growing up with YouTube, MySpace and other online communities where identities are both hidden and exposed has changed how young people view privacy.

The ALRC’s research included setting up a very cool website for feedback and a series of youth workshops. ALRC President Professor David Weisbrot said the issue that has raised the most concern in workshops is the way in which personal health information is handled.

In The Australian, Christopher Scanlon was critical of the limited opposition to the proposed human services Access Card, saying it showed a collapse of the value of privacy. I reckon that privacy is still highly valued but that, up to a point, people are prepared to trade it for better services.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Neither party convincing on Australia's broadband solutions

Australia’s Minister for Communications, IT and the Arts, Helen Coonan, has used her Communications Day Summit address to condemn the ALP’s broadband proposal to provide 98% of Australians with a minimum speed of 12 megabits per second for a total cost of $8 billion. Minister Coonan repeated the usual positions on the Government’s role in infrastructure development, reduced regulatory barriers to competition, incentives to private sector and market failure in rural and regional areas.

I agree with Stuart Corner at ITWire that Minister Coonan provided no new detail on solutions to pressing issues such as who would build the network and how access would be made available. Neither party has come up with much detail on their policies or on regulatory reform and both have a lot of work to do before the election to convince industry and the broader community of their IT credentials.